Our 2m repeater is now on the air... Tx Freq: 147.060
RX Freq: 147.660
PL Tone: 173.8 (Encode & Decode)
Callsign: KE5IXL
Antenna Height: 100 feet
Power: Approx 150 watts.
Coverage range: undetermined
Radio Equipment:
Transmitter & Reciever: Kenwood TM-271A
440 Control: Alinco DR-435T
Amplifier: Mirage B2518G
Power Supply: Astron RM-60M
Duplexer: Wacom 6 can
Antenna: Diamond X500HNA 6.5db gain
Coax: Belden 9913/U
Controller: CAT 200B
Aux Controller: CAT WX-200 SAME Decoder set to FIP code of 022127
(Winn Parish)
Rack with repeater equipment in it
Radios and Controllers
Power Supply and Amp